And now, since I am completely out of ideas for good "junk," heres:
Even More Jeffrey Tambor Jokes
You may remember Jeffrey as that dentist who dated the third blonde on Three's Company or as "that mean guy who twisted Gonzo's nose" in Muppets from Space.
Here are some jokes about him:
Q. How do you catch Jeffrey Tambor?
A. Climb a tree and act like a nut! (Note: this joke operates under the premise that Jeffrey Tambor is a squirrel.)
Q. How do you communicate with a Jeffrey Tambor?
A. Drop him a line! (Note: this joke operates under the premise that Jeffrey Tambor is a fish.)
Q. Why did Jeffrey Tambor dangle his baby over a balcony?
A. Because he overheard his wife asking someone to drop the children off a few stories. (Note: this joke operates under the premise that Jeffrey Tambor is Michael Jackson.)
Q. What did Jeffrey Tambor say to Woody Allen?
A. Got 2 fives for a 10? (Note: this joke also operates under the premise that Jeffrey Tambor is Michael Jackson... or a pedophile who happens to be talking to Woody Allen... or just a guy who really needed change for a $10 bill.)
Q. How does Jeffrey Tambor change a pumpkin into another vegetable?
A. He throws it up in the air and it comes down squash.
Q. What goes Oh, Oh, Oh?
A. Jeffrey Tambor, dressed as Santa, walking back wards
Q. What's the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?
A. One sells watches and the other watches cells... and Jeffrey Tambor has never had sex with a jeweler.
Q. Why did Jeffrey Tambor take an extra pair of socks golfing?
A. In case he got a hole in one.
Q. Why does Jeffrey Tambor take an extra pair of socks whenever he is going to be walking on uneven terrain for long periods of time?
A. Because he has Osteoarthritis which is a serious ailment of the joints. It's not really a joke. Just an unfortunate side effect of aging.
Q. Why does
Knock Knock
-Who's there?
-Huge who?
Huge you expect... Jeffrey Tambor?
Knock Knock
-Who's there?
-Dishes who?
Dishes Jeffrey Tambor the star of such films as Muppets From Space.
Knock Knock
-Who's there?
-Thatcher who?
Thatcher was some bad Jeffrey Tambor jokes. I really hate bunchojunk for wasting my time.
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