In 1983 NBC premiered the sitcom We Got It Made. The show was about two sloppy bachelors living in NYC. Since they wanted to keep their apartment clean, they decided to hire a live-in maid. Hysterical!
Of course, a more logical decision would have been to hire a weekly cleaning service, but using sitcom logic, a live-in maid was the answer.
The two roommates David and Jay had to constantly explain the purpose of the maid to their skeptical girlfriends. Hysterical!
The maid was Mickey, a super-hot blonde with no maid experience. Hysterical!
Mickey was part of an odd sitcom trend in the 1980's of giving female characters male sounding names. For example, Jo on Facts Of Life, Mickey on We Got It Made, and I am pretty sure there was a show with a hot chick named Sam. Sorry, I am way to lazy to research this.
I find it odd that they stuck with the traditional spelling of 'Made' in the title rather than the more appropriate and clever "We Got It Maid." Or they could have gone with the more formal "We've Got It Made" or "We Have It Maid."
I would have called it "Maid of Honor" and It would have been about about two sloppy bachelors living in NYC. Since they wanted to keep their apartment clean, they decided to hire a live-in maid. Then the maid would be drafted to fight in Vietnam. Serving in Hue, Da Nang and Ban Me Thuot, the Maid would've eventually award two medals for her outstanding valor. Then she would return to the New York apartment to work as a maid only to find that the two bachelors were now anti war protesters. Hilarity would ensue.
Then, years later, a Cuba Gooding Jr./Robert Deniro film called Men Of Honor would be released, and viewers would finally understand that the title was a play on words. No one would be amused.
The theme song for We Got It Made sounds like a Devo record played while Ray Charles, the voice of Lisa Simpson and Ann Jillian argue in a foreign language that only includes the phrases "Bop bah duh dah" and "Dee Dee Dee Dee," then they all shout "We Got It Made... Yeah!"
In a strange twist the show was canceled in 1984. Oh wait, that was the EXPECTED twist. The strange one was that the show was brought back in syndication in 1987 with new episodes. It only lasted one more season.
Some plot highlights included:
A sleepwalking Mickey ends up in the roommates' beds every night.
David and Jay try to talk Mickey out of working at a nightclub featuring nude entertainment.
Reading what she believes is Mickey's diary, Claudia (David's girlfriend) thinks Mickey wants to have David's baby.
Some plot highlights I just made up:
David rips his pants.
Jay slips on a banana peel.
David and Jay realize that they are gay and fire Mickey and hire a Butler. They change the show's title to "We Got It Butled"
Matt McCoy played David Tucker (one of the sloppy bachelors.) Here is his bio from the IMDB:
Spouse: ? (1985 - ?)
James Stewart is a huge role model. They were also born on the same month and day.
Guest-starred as Lloyd Braun, the gum-chewing former mental patient who befriends Kramer, on Seinfeld.
Fascinating, huh? He married someone in 1985. They might be married, today. Maybe they have a house. Might have been married in a church, or some other place. Wouldn't it be great if he and '?' got a maid? Maybe the maid could be a huge Jimmy Stewart impersonator. Really HUGE! Like 6 foot 5 and 500lbs. Then they could all chew gum. THEY would have 'it made!'
Anyone else remember this show?