Wednesday, October 03, 2007

More photos from my cell phone

Yeah, I have more.

These are photos that weren't good enough to run the first time.

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For starters, here is Lady Liberty. She's big and green. As a kid I owned a small statue of the... uh... statue. I used to pretend that she was the Incredible Hulk's wife. Then I pretened that she gave birth to Kermit the Frog.
Hulk was a good daddy and Kermit was, by all accounts a good kid. But then one day he started dating a pig. Hulk was enraged and Lady Liberty too to huffing paint thinner. Then she hanged herself with my shoelace rope.
If only I had never invented that infernal thing!

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I took the photo at the Wachovia Center (an arena in Philadelphia.) There were about 40 chairs with Wachovia Center writen on them and just one that had the old name. I laughed and laughed.
I sen this photo to my friend Len. He didn't get it.

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Yeah. The Eagles donut. It's official. Doesn't it look like the bird logo actually has a donut body? Wouldn't it be funny if he rolled over into the coffee and then was scalded. And then drowned.
I sent this to my friend Jeff. He doesn't like that I use the Dunkin' Donuts spelling of "doughnuts."

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Awwww. Hollywood The Cat kissed my Donald Duck tiki statue. Awww.
I sent this to everyone I know that uses smileys in text messages. Then I started huffing paint thinner with Lady Liberty.

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This is the house I grew up in. I think it was green back then. I know I used to pretend it was the Hulk's grandpop.
I sent this picture to my mom.

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Here is a picture of a VHS copy of Muppet Classic Theater.
I sent this to the Hulk. He misses Kermit, but he is too stubborn to admit it.


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